path: root/filter/pids.go
diff options
authorWe-unite <3205135446@qq.com>2024-09-02 16:45:07 +0800
committerWe-unite <3205135446@qq.com>2024-09-02 16:45:07 +0800
commit08207d77be79afc6f75d1611726b92bdf622717f (patch)
tree918991217807ff18025b998407b87bcd31d4ddc3 /filter/pids.go
parentf9f8f35ccd8b505a827d40f95c52ed039512b79d (diff)
Show filt result in tree&json, fix sth in listenerHEADmasterdev
In the listener, I change the order coroutines are started to avoid 'send on a closed channel'. Besides, the method to get syscall names and numbers are not so universial, so let's go back to check unistd.h. In the filter, the output is set to be written to ./log dir. Pid tree are shown in logs/tree.log, and detail info in pids.log, while file info in the logs/files.log. tree.log shows a tree just like `tree` command, the other two files are written in json. What's more, the flags while opening files are also checked ans showed in files.log.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/filter/pids.go b/filter/pids.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd4b095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filter/pids.go
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
1package main
3import (
4 "encoding/json"
5 "fmt"
6 "os"
7 "sort"
10var count int
11var starTgid int
13func filtPids(pRawPidData *[]Process) {
14 /* ATTENTION: 把map/slice直接传参是危险的
15 * 传递的是指针,不会引起大的复制开销,
16 * 但是map/slice在callee func内被修改**可能**导致内存更改
17 * 而这样的内存更改对caller function来说是不可见的,看到的还是原来的东西
18 * 这里由于参数几乎都是只读不写,因而用一下
19 */
21 // 合并由多线程导致的重复记录,顺便按照pid升序
22 // 多线程已经取消了,但保险起见还是留着
23 merged := mergeProcess(pRawPidData)
24 // 将Process按照tgid合并
25 var tgidMap map[int]*tgidNode
26 var rootfsPids []int
27 tgidMap, starTgid, rootfsPids = getTgidNodes(merged)
28 // 建树,helloTree
29 buildTree(tgidMap, starTgid)
30 // 对树上的进程做一些优化处理
31 optimazePid(starTgid, rootfsPids)
34func ProMerge(a, b Process) (res Process) {
35 // 合并过程中会遇到什么问题?
36 res.Star = false
38 if a.StartTimestamp.IsZero() {
39 res.StartTimestamp = b.StartTimestamp
40 } else if b.StartTimestamp.IsZero() {
41 res.StartTimestamp = a.StartTimestamp
42 } else if a.StartTimestamp.Before(b.StartTimestamp) {
43 res.StartTimestamp = a.StartTimestamp
44 } else {
45 res.StartTimestamp = b.StartTimestamp
46 }
48 res.Ppid = a.Ppid
49 if a.ParentTgid == 0 {
50 res.ParentTgid = b.ParentTgid
51 } else {
52 res.ParentTgid = a.ParentTgid
53 }
55 res.Pid = a.Pid
56 if a.Tgid == 0 {
57 res.Tgid = b.Tgid
58 } else {
59 res.Tgid = a.Tgid
60 }
62 if len(a.Args) == 0 {
63 res.Args = b.Args
64 } else {
65 res.Args = a.Args
66 }
68 if a.Comm == "" {
69 res.Comm = b.Comm
70 } else {
71 res.Comm = a.Comm
72 }
74 if a.RootFS == "" {
75 res.RootFS = b.RootFS
76 } else {
77 res.RootFS = a.RootFS
78 }
80 if a.Cwd == "" {
81 res.Cwd = b.Cwd
82 } else {
83 res.Cwd = a.Cwd
84 }
86 res.Execve = append(a.Execve, b.Execve...)
87 res.Children = append(a.Children, b.Children...)
89 var flag bool // 真a假b
90 if a.ExitTimestamp.IsZero() {
91 flag = false
92 } else if b.ExitTimestamp.IsZero() {
93 flag = true
94 } else if a.ExitTimestamp.Before(b.ExitTimestamp) {
95 flag = true
96 } else {
97 flag = false
98 }
100 if flag {
101 res.ExitCode = a.ExitCode
102 res.ExitSignal = a.ExitSignal
103 res.ExitTimestamp = a.ExitTimestamp
104 } else {
105 res.ExitCode = b.ExitCode
106 res.ExitSignal = b.ExitSignal
107 res.ExitTimestamp = b.ExitTimestamp
108 }
110 return res
113func mergeProcess(pRawPidData *[]Process) (merged []Process) {
114 rawPidData := *pRawPidData
115 // 合并由多线程导致的重复记录,顺便按照pid升序
116 index := make(map[int]int)
117 for _, process := range rawPidData {
118 i, exists := index[process.Pid]
119 if exists {
120 // 已存在,合并
121 merged[i] = ProMerge(merged[i], process)
122 } else {
123 // 不存在,直接添加
124 merged = append(merged, process)
125 index[process.Pid] = len(merged) - 1
126 }
127 }
128 sort.Slice(merged, func(i, j int) bool {
129 return merged[i].Pid < merged[j].Pid
130 })
131 return merged
134func getTgidNodes(merged []Process) (tgidMap map[int]*tgidNode, starTgid int, rootfsPids []int) {
135 // 合并出来的进程整理为tgidNode
136 tgidMap = make(map[int]*tgidNode)
137 findTgid = make(map[int]int) // pid --> tgid
138 // var starTgid, rootFsPid int
139 starTgid = -1
140 // rootfsPid = -1
141 rootfsPids = make([]int, 0)
142 for _, val := range merged {
143 if val.Star {
144 starTgid = val.Tgid
145 } else if val.RootFS != "" {
146 rootfsPids = append(rootfsPids, val.Pid)
147 }
148 // 登记tgid
149 findTgid[val.Pid] = val.Tgid
150 nodeval, exists := tgidMap[val.Tgid]
151 if exists {
152 // 直接记录
153 nodeval.Threads = append(nodeval.Threads, val)
154 nodeval.FindPid[val.Pid] = len(nodeval.Threads) - 1
155 } else {
156 node := tgidNode{
157 Tgid: val.Tgid,
158 FindPid: make(map[int]int),
159 Threads: make([]Process, 0),
160 ChildTgid: make([]int, 0),
161 }
162 node.Threads = append(node.Threads, val)
163 node.FindPid[val.Pid] = 0
164 tgidMap[val.Tgid] = &node
165 }
166 }
167 return tgidMap, starTgid, rootfsPids
170func buildTree(tgidMap map[int]*tgidNode, starTgid int) {
171 // 从tgid==starTgid开始,构建树
172 helloTree = make(map[int]*tgidNode) // 在树上的tgid节点,tgid --> *tgidNode
173 var q Queue // 记录每一个整理好的结构体,bfs
174 visited := make(map[int]bool) // 哪些tgid已经访问过
176 tmp, exists := tgidMap[starTgid]
177 if !exists {
178 return
179 }
181 // helloTree负责在遍历到该节点时记录
182 // 队列仅负责搞明白哪些节点在树上
183 // 因而所有添加子代tgid的行为只针对helloTree
184 // q不添加,直接把新的tgid对应的tgidNode入队就是了
185 q.Enqueue(tmp)
186 visited[starTgid] = true
187 for !q.IsEmpty() {
188 tmp, ok := q.Dequeue()
189 if !ok {
190 continue
191 }
192 node := tmp.(*tgidNode) // 队列里的一个节点,这里必须重新申请node
193 helloTree[node.Tgid] = node
194 for i := 0; i < len(node.Threads); i++ {
195 for j := 0; j < len(node.Threads[i].Children); j++ {
196 tgid := findTgid[node.Threads[i].Children[j]]
197 _, exists := visited[tgid]
198 if !exists {
199 // 子代里有没见过的tgid
200 tgidNode, exists := tgidMap[tgid]
201 if !exists {
202 continue
203 }
204 helloTree[node.Tgid].ChildTgid = append(helloTree[node.Tgid].ChildTgid, tgid)
205 q.Enqueue(tgidNode)
206 visited[tgid] = true
207 }
208 }
209 }
210 }
213func optimazePid(starTgid int, rootfsPids []int) {
214 getDockerRootFs := make(map[string]string) // dockerId --> rootfs
215 // 首先处理一下记录有pivot_root信息的进程,防止pivot先于fork
216 for _, rootfsPid := range rootfsPids {
217 rootfsTgid := findTgid[rootfsPid]
218 i := helloTree[rootfsTgid].FindPid[rootfsPid]
219 rootfsProcess := &(helloTree[rootfsTgid].Threads[i])
220 if rootfsProcess.RootFS == "cwd" {
221 rootfsProcess.RootFS = rootfsProcess.Cwd
222 }
223 getDockerRootFs[rootfsProcess.DockerId] = rootfsProcess.RootFS
224 }
226 count = 0
227 for _, val := range helloTree {
228 // 处理一下pid结束时间,顺便找找爹
229 // 结束时间是因为很多线程结束时间没获取到,默认按照进程退出时间处理
230 // Ppid是因为进程产生之初收到的信息写的爹一定是亲爹
231 // 但是产生线程时候该进程很可能已作为孤儿被收养,导致线程里关于爹的记录是继父
232 for i := 0; i < len(val.Threads); i++ {
233 if i != 0 {
234 if val.Threads[i].Tgid < val.Threads[0].Tgid {
235 val.Threads[i].ParentTgid = val.Threads[0].ParentTgid
236 val.Threads[i].Ppid = val.Threads[0].Ppid
237 }
238 if val.Threads[i].ExitTimestamp.IsZero() {
239 val.Threads[i].ExitCode = val.Threads[0].ExitCode
240 val.Threads[i].ExitTimestamp = val.Threads[0].ExitTimestamp
241 val.Threads[i].ExitSignal = val.Threads[0].ExitSignal
242 }
243 }
245 dockerId := val.Threads[i].DockerId
246 if dockerId != "" {
247 rootfs, exists := getDockerRootFs[dockerId]
248 if !exists {
249 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Err: the docker rootfs of pid %d is not known!\n", val.Threads[i].Pid)
250 continue
251 }
252 val.Threads[i].RootFS = rootfs
253 }
254 }
256 count++
257 }
260// 绘制进程树
261func drawTree(treeFile *os.File, pidFile *os.File, node *tgidNode, prefix string, isLast bool) {
262 if node == nil {
263 return
264 }
266 fmt.Fprintf(treeFile, "%s", prefix)
267 if isLast {
268 fmt.Fprintf(treeFile, "└── ")
269 prefix += " "
270 } else {
271 fmt.Fprintf(treeFile, "├── ")
272 prefix += "│ "
273 }
274 // 将当前进程的参数整理为一行命令
275 argv := ""
276 for i, arg := range node.Threads[0].Args {
277 if i == 0 {
278 argv = arg
279 } else {
280 argv += " " + arg
281 }
282 }
283 fmt.Fprintf(treeFile, "%d: %s\n", node.Tgid, argv)
285 // 当前节点信息以json格式写入pidFile
286 jsonData, err := json.MarshalIndent(node, "", " ")
287 if err != nil {
288 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Err: %v\n", err)
289 return
290 }
291 pidFile.Write(jsonData)
292 pidFile.WriteString("\n\n")
294 // 递归打印子节点
295 for i, childTgid := range node.ChildTgid {
296 childNode, exists := helloTree[childTgid]
297 if exists {
298 drawTree(treeFile, pidFile, childNode, prefix, i == len(node.ChildTgid)-1)
299 }
300 }