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As is planed, the first coroutine throw rae event infomation to the
second, and it organizes all info for the same event accroding to
event id, which is unique without shutdown of this computer.
There's several defficuties I've encountered, so I list their solution
here to remeber:
- raw info from 1st coroutine is correct, but wrong when 2nd gets it;
or it's correct while recieved, then regular expr goes to match it,
the first match is inline with expectations, but the next match goes
totally wrong, and the info is different from what is received.
Look into the src of go-libaudit, we'll find out that when heard
from netlink socket, the read buffer is always the same slice, it
first received a long data, then **pass the origin slice to
rawEvent.Data**, and then received a shorter data. rawEvent.Data is
passed to 2nd coruntine as **a pointer to rawEvent**, which means
all this 3 process use the same part of memory. Then, when a shorter
info comes from socket, the slice won't be moved, otherwise it write
aigin to this part of mem, then coroutine 2 will get a dirty data.
To deal with it, we change the type of channel from pointer to
interface, and make a deep copy of rawEvent before passing down.
As a result, the 2nd coroutine gets a copy of message but not origin,
it finally comes right.
- While designing a regular expr, it's thought correct but miss
matched from the right string. There maybe sth wrong that can't be
discovered by people's eye, you can try to rewrite the expr, then
it may be fixed.
Also, there's some hidden dangers:
- 2nd coroutine comes with no error checks althouth err variable is
set and catched ubder the rules of compiler. we **shall** make it
- Is it reasonable to pass cooked event info immediately to 3rd
coroutine without waiting some time? Info from network is out of
order after all.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
This repo is to supervise all processes in containers, in other
words inspect behaviors of dockers, and get the pid tree.
There are several ways for programs in user space to intereact with
kernel space:
- system calls, which can be found out in source path arch/x86/syscalls
- ioctl
- /proc virtual file system, to read kernel realtime info
- nerlink socket
the pid we should pay attention to is /usr/bin/containerd, which may
come from service docker-daemon and ppid is 1. Each time a docker is
start or stop, this forks a pid, the pid then forks, that's the main
process of the docker.
To grub the info of pid create or exit, this program is based on
go-libauditd, which uses netlink socket to hear from kernel about
audit log. What's worrying is that one event is always devided into
several entries, and several events may be received alternately.
So, from my point of view, which program has 3 coroutines and 2
channels. the first receives raw event message from audit, then
throw it to channel 1; the second listen to channel 1, and organizes
each event until there's a EOE, then throw to channel 2; the third
discover event from channel 2, deal with th event, such as create or
delete pid. Specially, since two relative infomation(pid 1 fork pid2,
then pid 1 exits)may comes out of order, deletion mast be delayed for
some time(may 1 second), to keep the process tree correct.