package main import ( "context" "fmt" "reflect" "time" "" "" "" ) type mongoClient struct { dbName, colName string client *mongo.Client col *mongo.Collection } func (mc *mongoClient) init(dbName, colName string) error { var err error if err = mc.Connect(dbName, colName); err != nil { return err } if err = mc.Drop(); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (mc *mongoClient) Connect(dbName, colName string) error { var err error // 设置连接MongoDB的参数 clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://" + *mongoURI) // 创建一个带有超时的上下文 ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second) defer cancel() // 确保在函数退出时取消上下文 // 使用带超时的上下文连接到MongoDB mc.client, err = mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions) if err != nil { return err } // 尝试ping数据库以检查连接是否成功 err = mc.client.Ping(ctx, nil) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Println("Connected to MongoDB!") mc.col = mc.client.Database(dbName).Collection(colName) mc.dbName = dbName mc.colName = colName return nil } func (mc *mongoClient) InsertOne(document interface{}) error { _, err := mc.col.InsertOne(context.Background(), document) return err } func (mc *mongoClient) UpdateOne(filter, update interface{}) error { _, err := mc.col.UpdateOne(context.Background(), filter, update) return err } func (mc *mongoClient) UpdateMany(filter, update interface{}) error { _, err := mc.col.UpdateMany(context.Background(), filter, update) return err } func (mc *mongoClient) ReplaceOne(filter, new interface{}) error { _, err := mc.col.ReplaceOne(context.Background(), filter, new) return err } func (mc *mongoClient) Finddoc(filter bson.M, results interface{}) error { sliceValue := reflect.ValueOf(results) if sliceValue.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || sliceValue.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Slice { return fmt.Errorf("Error: result argument must be pointer to slice") } cur, err := mc.col.Find(context.TODO(), filter) if err != nil { return err } defer cur.Close(context.TODO()) elemType := sliceValue.Elem().Type().Elem() sliceValue = sliceValue.Elem() for cur.Next(context.TODO()) { elem := reflect.New(elemType).Interface() err := cur.Decode(elem) if err != nil { return err } sliceValue = reflect.Append(sliceValue, reflect.ValueOf(elem).Elem()) } reflect.ValueOf(results).Elem().Set(sliceValue) return nil } func (mc *mongoClient) FindOneAndDelete(filter bson.M) (bson.M, error) { res := mc.col.FindOneAndDelete(context.Background(), filter) var result bson.M err := res.Decode(&result) return result, err } func (mc *mongoClient) Drop() error { return mc.col.Drop(context.Background()) } func (mc *mongoClient) Disconnect() error { err := mc.client.Disconnect(context.Background()) if err != nil { return err } mc.col = nil mc.client = nil mc.dbName = "" mc.colName = "" return nil }